Friday, 18 April 2014

Random Thoughts

It has been a couple weeks and I haven’t updated on anything because nothing has really happened, which is absolutely fine by me! I would much rather have a boring, mundane life then constantly have some crappy update about my health. However, there is one thing that is on my mind and has been slightly causing me stress. I have a CT coming up next week and I would like nothing more than for things to be stable with no more lovely questionable “spots” popping up. Sometimes I wish they could immediately give you a hint after one of these tests as to whether things are good, not great, or just darn right shitty. If they could give you a thumbs up or a thumbs down that would even work for me!! I mean if I need to get these tests forever it would be nice to get some hints. If they could just write on a piece of paper, “yaaay things are stable” or “shooters, your life sucks a little more.” Make it into a game or something. I could live with that, however I know that would be deemed extremely unprofessional. I guess I just need to suck it up, get the test done, and then simply not think about it?? Absolutely, that is just super duper easyJ

Other than that I went for my Herceptin infusion on Thursday which went fabulous!! 1st try the lovely nurse got it! When we sat in the waiting room I asked Chris how many tries would it take to get the IV. I was optimistic and said they would get it on the 1st try and Chris thought on the 3rd try. I looked at him and thought, thanks for your joyful optimism. Long story short, I was right and I really wish we would have bet something because I would have won. I’ll remember that for next time.

Getting my infusion with their new recliners. I wouldn't say I am "dumb" per se (I have moments), however I struggle to get out of these darn chairs!! Seriously, my hubby has to push the leg part down because otherwise I would be reclined for most the afternoon. There has to be a trick to this because the frail, little elderly people can do it. I just need to figure out what the "trick" is. Stop laughing, you know who you are;)

I wish I could say I did something exciting but I really have not. There is one thing that my niece, AKA my princess noodle, said this past week that left me laughing hysterically. My princess noodle was over at my mom’s house, so her grandma, and my mom complained to her that her lower back hurt. She asked her if she could massage her back with her little, yet strong, fingers. My niece said, “ok,” and went on to massage her lower back. Then my niece looked at my mom and told her, “Mama I think you have tax pain.” Hahaha, honestly it was so cute and I know I should have told her what those commercials were about, but I just couldn’t because it was so sweet and innocent.

I must also add that a wonderful friend of mine had the most beautiful little boy yesterday!! He is completely precious and perfect, and I can hardly wait to give him some cuddles and loving!! I am beyond thrilled for the both of youJ Plus, I told her to memorize my licence plate because I may kidnap him, just kidding…well not really.

On another note, I hope this darn craptaculous snowy, wet weather goes away for good because I am completely over it. Why do we choose to live here again????? This weather seems to bring back the pain and swelling, and there really isn't anything about this weather that makes me happy. I have no desire to go build a snowman so please enough with this, and bring out the sunshine because I am on the verge of going to pack a suitcase to head to the airport to board any plane headed south!!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Easter!!!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Fun Fact

I thought about calling this post statistics, however I realized nobody would read it because it would bring back wonderful memories from nursing school. Everyone remembers just wanting to finish this course because it felt like we were learning to become accountants. When we had the option to take a statistics course or anthropology I picked anthropology. I actually assumed the anthropology course would be about evolution and monkeys, so I felt I had lucked out!! Goodness, was I ever shocked when I showed up the first day and there was no mention of monkeys, and I didn’t even have a calculator. This darn course was the exact same thing as the stats course but with a different name. Honestly, am I the only one who thinks of primates when I hear the word anthropology??? Anyhow, this was a long explanation about why I decided on calling this post a "fun fact," because I really want people to read the following and think about their own life.

I am not a huge fan of statistics and what they mean because I have not fallen into the majority with regards to breast cancer. I understand that the odds of getting this disease is slim to none as many articles have noted that the chances of acquiring this disease in your 20s is less than 1%. I would have much rather have won the lottery, but nope craptaculous cancer is what I got instead. However, when someone in their 20s or 30s gets this disease generally they are diagnosed at a more advanced stage. What gets to me is someone in this age group has so much more to live for then our older counterparts, and yet we are relatively ignored or dismissed with concerns regarding our perky boobs. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want our lovely elderly population to die from this disease, absolutely not, however I am disturbed at the lackadaisical mentality that some people have with regards to this disease and young women. I can name numerous people who have gotten this disease at a young age and the impact it has had on their lives is astronomical. Many who have young children, careers, and busy lives. Therefore, when I heard what happened to a friend I became mildly angry, and motivated to change this stigma of who gets breast cancer. So a friend who had discovered a lump went to have a mammogram, and to her dismay was told that they wouldn’t do it because she was “too young to get breast cancer.” Now this made me darn right angry and frustrated. How dare someone make a bold statement such as that. In reality young people do get this disease and a part of the problem is this type of pure ignorance. Why would you make an assumption such as that to a young woman in her 20s with four young children???? If it isn’t cancer that is fantastic, however what if she falls into the less than 1% that does?? How much time do they allow to transpire before they realize something is wrong? This ignorance is what makes this disease change from a completely treatable condition to an incurable one.

If there is anything that I would love for any of my young female counterparts to know is to be self aware and ALWAYS advocate for your health. I am truly, 110%, passionate about raising awareness about breast cancer. I am a firm believer in trusting your gut. If you think something is wrong then there probably is. If a doctor dismisses your concerns because of your age, fight for what you are concerned about. Heck, bring me along because I will fight like hell for you. If you don’t fight for answers about your health then you will eventually be fighting for your life. If you don’t like your doctor, get another one. I can honestly say all the doctors I have had along the way have been phenomenal. I don’t want anyone to live with regret and think, “what if.” I can look back to when this started for me and think why the heck did I wait so long before I looked into what this lump was?? I’m a nurse and made the biggest mistake with my own health which I am now paying for. I waited because I was busy with my life. Honestly, it sounds so pathetic but it seems we make time for everything in our lives except for what is most important which is our own health. So if you ever have any doubt , a lump, pain, anything get it checked out. I will do anything and everything to change the perception of who gets breast cancer , and will fight to raise awareness so that young people can have a better chance at having a long, fabulous life!

On a complete off note it was my hubby’s 34th birthday!! Happy birthday, I love you so muchJ

Chris as a young peanut!